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Archive for June, 2010

Ramping up with Drupal

Drupal is a content management system.  Here’s the low-down.


These are the add-ons that make Drupal powerful.

http://drupalmodules.com has a directory of modules along with user ratings.  My profile is http://drupalmodules.com/profile/3488.  You can see my favorite modules at http://drupalmodules.com/favorites/view/3488/modules.


Drush is the drupal shell.  If you’re comfortable with a command line this is a must have power-tool.

Quick tid-bits

  • Read the README.txt files for the modules and themes you install if you hit any roadblocks
  • If you’re deciding to roll your own theme, first consider rolling your own Zen sub-theme
  • If you can, setup a seperate drupal install for just testing things in